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The Killing IT Podcast

IT authors and entrepreneurs Ryan Morris, Karl Palachuk, and Dave Sobel provide commentary on the changing world of technology opportunities and emerging tech.

We want to expand the discussion from the SMB IT channel to all things tech - with one eye on the future and the other on profits. Join us!

Apr 30, 2019

You read that right. This is not the Premier Episode. It's the primer. It's not even Episode One.

It's Episode .9 - not quite ready for prime time.

Basically, we need to have something here so iTunes and everybody else will start listing the show. We already have a few shows prepared for the big launch May 7th.


Killing IT - Expanding the conversation about IT

Apr 17, 2019

Hosts Karl Palachuk, Dave Sobel, and Ryan Morris give an intelligent and light-hearted look at all things "technology."