Mar 31, 2020
We're staying positive in our home offices. But we've all got lots of online activity scheduled.
Mentioned: Dave and Sharon's how-to video on hosting a virtual party: and how to be a good guest at a virtual party:
Topic 1: Companies "doing it...
Mar 29, 2020
We have a special guest this week - Marie Rourke, Channel Chief Chief Channel Strategist at WhiteFox Marketing Inc.
So after our catch-up on what we're doing under quarantine, we jump in.
Topic One: Tim Berners-Lee’s Open Letter on the Role of Women on
the Internet
Tim Berners-Lee is widely regarded as the creater of...
Mar 17, 2020
First, a note from listener Chris.
Issue clarification Link:
Topic 1: Louisiana Secretary of State on Defining MSPs
We do a little analysis on Dave's interview on his Business of Tech podcast. What consitutes “malpractice”...
Mar 10, 2020
What?! Episode 50 of the Killing IT Podcast! We're almost at the one year mark. And we really appreciate your listenership.
Topic 1: Coronavirus / Covid-19 and Traveling
All of us travel a lot. Some notes from Karl’s travels to Thailand and Cambodia, etc.
We also discuss several industry cancellations and...
Mar 3, 2020
Karl's out this week in Cambodia, so Dave and Ryan are the hosts this week.
Topic One: ChannelPro State of the Channel Info
ChannelPro released their "State of the Channel" report. Dave and Ryan focus in on a few key data points. Number one is, who is a managed service provider (as compared to those who claim to...