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The Killing IT Podcast

IT authors and entrepreneurs Ryan Morris, Karl Palachuk, and Dave Sobel provide commentary on the changing world of technology opportunities and emerging tech.

We want to expand the discussion from the SMB IT channel to all things tech - with one eye on the future and the other on profits. Join us!

Jun 8, 2019

A follow-up to the topic we started last week.

We kick off with a discussion about ethics in emerging technology. Ethics need to be both internal and outward-facing. And the sooner ethics enters the discussion, the better.

Inventors don't normally consider the evil possibilities in their creations right from the start. At what point should they?

Referenced article:

Are you have these kinds of high value discussions with clients and vendors? One point of view: You only need to do that if you want more money!

From there we pivot to charitable giving by high tech entrepreneurs.

Finally, we take a look at subscription services that are delightfully surprising. What subscription services you are surprised by?

Dave notes that subscribers will only subscribe to a limited number services. This is a huge argument for bundling your services!

Please give it a listen. Share with your friends. Subscribe. And give us your feedback below.
