Feb 25, 2020
Topic 1: Cloud Neutrality
You've heard of Net Neutrality. This is pretty much the same thing, with the premise that access to the cloud suffers the same potential problems.
Dave's favorite quote: “It would be as though Ford, GM, and Toyota had built the Interstate Highway System using private dollars and then charged...
Feb 18, 2020
Topic 1: Performance Artists Games Google Maps
We start out a bit light hearted here - but it also shows the fragility of our systems.
A performance artist in Berlin demonstrated the fragility of the Google Maps system we all rely on by dragging 99 cell phones to fake a Google Maps traffic jam. Our spin is that this is...
Feb 11, 2020
One way or another, politicians are getting into our business . . .
Just two topics this week as we spend extra time on one very big subject. A slightly different format for us, but we can't cover the first topic in ten minutes.
. . . and I think we'll return to this one again and again.
Topic 1: MSP sued over...
Feb 4, 2020
Topic 1: Record store closings in 2019 - and Amazon is buying up old malls.
Both of these trends have been going on for a couple of years. Malls are consolidating, so there are fewer of them, but the ones that survive appear to be doing well. So maybe the nature of retail is changing.
At the same time, Amazon is...