Aug 20, 2019
We report a bit on one aspect of ChannelCon. Both Black Hat and DefCon were in Vegas during ChannelCon. So the question is: Are we any LESS secure with these folks in town? Of course this leads into a discussion of what the three of us do to keep our "devices" secure while we travel.
Somewhat related links:
All of this discussion can be used to help educate your clients. We recommend that you schedule regular security trainings as a way to engage clients on the "business" level.
Topic 2: University buys Amazon Dots for every student dorm room.
Interestingly, this program is not sponsored by Amazon.
The specific device is Alexa for Business & Voice. Once again, this is the march of the advancement of voice at the user interface.
Interesting take-away: No one who puts a program like this in place is going to do it themselves. You may or may not make money on devices, but the consulting opportunity is huge.
Topic 3: Decency - Kind of.
Internet companies in the U.S. are not held liable for things posted on their medium if those postings are not controlled by the hosting service. For example: You can't sue Yelp for ratings or comments made by users on Yelp.
Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act is blamed for
everything from social-media bias to enabling revenge porn. Angela
Chen explains the law that created the modern internet. Is it time
to update this law?
The law itself:
Not really Topic 4: A funny story about Alexa. Try this with your