Aug 13, 2019
Live from CompTIA ChannelCon. Recorded in the "Think and Drink Lounge." We have lots of reflections about the activities and people at ChannelCon.
Topic One: There's a growing tendency to encourage people to skip college and just go to trade school. We comment on this advice - and look at it as a complicated question. That route may be completely appropriate for some people, but it is not a decision that should be made lightly.
Topic Two: Emerging Technologies (the CompTIA community and more). There's lots of excitement, some tempered disappointment, and a strong need to figure out how IT professionals make money with emerging technologies.
Topic Three: Vendors need to figure out how to be perpetually relevant to their channe. How do you do that when markets change, new technologies emerge, competitors attack, and business models in the channel become obsolete? And from the solution provider's perspective, how do we make money when our vendors are going through these non-stop gyrations?
From there we discuss how you engage with vendor connections you find at conference, including CompTIA.