Jan 7, 2020
Ryan and I kick off the year and Dave joins us mid-way through.
Topic 1: California Privacy . . . Coming your way.
California has a new privacy law that will affect lots of other areas . . . because you probably do business in California. And, of course, once one state starts regulating something, other states will follow.
Very soon we'll all have to post policies about how we collect, sell, and share data about people we work with. You may not be collecting this information, but you should definitely find out whether your clients need to comply. As we've mentioned many times, compliance is your friend.
Help make your clients' lives easier!
Topic 2: California Law Might Kill the Gig
Big changes are coming to the world of the "gig" economy. How do you know if you're an employee or contractor? This is one that you *have to* pay attention to. Once again, once a state begins to legislate, the other states will jump in.
Dave makes the excellent point that this binary view of employment is simply broken. Our current economy was never built on this binary distinction: contractors have been around forever.
Topic 3: Unicorn vs. Zebra
"Unicorns" are super successful startups who reach $1 Billion in value. Now enter the Zebra - a company that is fundamentally sustainable. See the link to the Zebra manifesto below.
The new(ish) movement is to focus on sustainable business models rather than the over-hyped expectations from massively expensive startups. AND almost all of us in SMB business space are building zebras rather than unicorns!
Startup cycle graphic on Wikipedia is in this article:
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