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The Killing IT Podcast

IT authors and entrepreneurs Ryan Morris, Karl Palachuk, and Dave Sobel provide commentary on the changing world of technology opportunities and emerging tech.

We want to expand the discussion from the SMB IT channel to all things tech - with one eye on the future and the other on profits. Join us!

Jan 28, 2020

Topic 1: The Most trusted brand is the USPS!

First, go check out the link:

Trust is an interesting piece of brand value. It's very interesting to see who is trusted, who is not on the list at all, and how this varies by age.

The actual question is, which brands do you trust to do the right thing. We assume no one is shocked that Facebook is not on the list.

Also consider which companies you feel that you have a long-standing trust relationship with.

Topic 2: Tech training vs. traditional higher education

A recent article makes the argument that technical skills training does not replace a classic higher education. One of the key reasons is that tech skills age must faster.

The good news is: This is not and "OR" discussion. You can get a 2- or 4-year degree AND take tech training as your career progresses. Education is very broken, but fixing it is critically important.

Topic 3: IT, OT, and opportuni-T

Once again Ryan beats the drum for digital twins. Here's a link to his recent blog post on the CompTIA web site:

The big question is, what are some technologies that we're not paying enough attention to? Ryan's nominee is the digital twin.

And in a bigger picture, are we going to be in the same business when we move from monitoring hundreds of devices to monitoring thousands of devices? And a related question is, how do we move from offering technical fixes to offering bigger picture consulting services?
