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The Killing IT Podcast

IT authors and entrepreneurs Ryan Morris, Karl Palachuk, and Dave Sobel provide commentary on the changing world of technology opportunities and emerging tech.

We want to expand the discussion from the SMB IT channel to all things tech - with one eye on the future and the other on profits. Join us!

Aug 20, 2019

We report a bit on one aspect of ChannelCon. Both Black Hat and DefCon were in Vegas during ChannelCon. So the question is: Are we any LESS secure with these folks in town? Of course this leads into a discussion of what the three of us do to keep our "devices" secure while we travel.

Somewhat related links:

All of this discussion can be used to help educate your clients. We recommend that you schedule regular security trainings as a way to engage clients on the "business" level.

Topic 2: University buys Amazon Dots for every student dorm room. Interestingly, this program is not sponsored by Amazon.

The specific device is Alexa for Business & Voice. Once again, this is the march of the advancement of voice at the user interface.


Interesting take-away: No one who puts a program like this in place is going to do it themselves. You may or may not make money on devices, but the consulting opportunity is huge.

Topic 3: Decency - Kind of.

Internet companies in the U.S. are not held liable for things posted on their medium if those postings are not controlled by the hosting service. For example: You can't sue Yelp for ratings or comments made by users on Yelp.

Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act is blamed for everything from social-media bias to enabling revenge porn. Angela Chen explains the law that created the modern internet. Is it time to update this law?

The law itself:

Not really Topic 4: A funny story about Alexa. Try this with your friends.